CodePush 热更新之自定义更新弹框及下载进度
- 非强制更新场景
- 强制更新场景
- 更新包下载进度效果
UpdateComp 热更新组件核心代码如下:
/** * Created by guangqiang on 2018/3/29. */import React, {Component} from 'react'import {View, Text, StyleSheet, Modal, TouchableOpacity, Image} from 'react-native'import Progress from './index'import {GlobalStyles} from '../../../constants/GlobalStyles'import {deviceInfo} from "../../../constants/DeviceInfo"import {Icon} from '../../../utils/iconFont'import CodePush from "react-native-code-push"import {Toast} from "../../../utils/toast"const CODE_PUSH_KEY = 'jE39cjdnkzqfpXgRylPXDDNkEzJm3ac740b8-b071-474f-afbf-369c6e4642ab'let codePushOptions = { checkFrequency : CodePush.CheckFrequency.ON_APP_START}class ProgressBar extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.currProgress = 0.0 this.syncMessage = '' this.state = { modalVisible: false, isMandatory: false, immediateUpdate: false, updateInfo: {} } } codePushStatusDidChange(syncStatus) { if (this.state.immediateUpdate) { switch(syncStatus) { case CodePush.SyncStatus.CHECKING_FOR_UPDATE: this.syncMessage = 'Checking for update' break; case CodePush.SyncStatus.DOWNLOADING_PACKAGE: this.syncMessage = 'Downloading package' break; case CodePush.SyncStatus.AWAITING_USER_ACTION: this.syncMessage = 'Awaiting user action' break; case CodePush.SyncStatus.INSTALLING_UPDATE: this.syncMessage = 'Installing update' break; case CodePush.SyncStatus.UP_TO_DATE: this.syncMessage = 'App up to date.' break; case CodePush.SyncStatus.UPDATE_IGNORED: this.syncMessage = 'Update cancelled by user' break; case CodePush.SyncStatus.UPDATE_INSTALLED: this.syncMessage = 'Update installed and will be applied on restart.' break; case CodePush.SyncStatus.UNKNOWN_ERROR: this.syncMessage = 'An unknown error occurred' Toast.showError('更新出错,请重启应用!') this.setState({modalVisible: false}) break; } } } codePushDownloadDidProgress(progress) { if (this.state.immediateUpdate) { this.currProgress = parseFloat(progress.receivedBytes / progress.totalBytes).toFixed(2) if(this.currProgress >= 1) { this.setState({modalVisible: false}) } else { this.refs.progressBar.progress = this.currProgress } } } syncImmediate() { CodePush.checkForUpdate(CODE_PUSH_KEY).then((update) => { console.log('-------' + update) if (!update) { Toast.showLongSuccess('已是最新版本!') } else { this.setState({modalVisible: true, updateInfo: update, isMandatory: update.isMandatory}) } }) } componentWillMount() { CodePush.disallowRestart() this.syncImmediate() } componentDidMount() { CodePush.allowRestart() } _immediateUpdate() { this.setState({immediateUpdate: true}) CodePush.sync( {deploymentKey: CODE_PUSH_KEY, updateDialog: {}, installMode: CodePush.InstallMode.IMMEDIATE}, this.codePushStatusDidChange.bind(this), this.codePushDownloadDidProgress.bind(this) ) } renderModal() { return (alert("Modal has been closed.")}> ) } render(){ return({ !this.state.immediateUpdate ? : 更新内容 {this.state.updateInfo.description} { !this.state.isMandatory ? wifi情况下更新不到30秒 : this.setState({modalVisible: false})}> 残忍拒绝 this._immediateUpdate()} > 极速下载 } this._immediateUpdate()} > 立即更新 } 版本正在努力更新中,请等待 {this.renderModal()} ) }}const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', backgroundColor: GlobalStyles.bgColor }, modal: { height: deviceInfo.deviceHeight, width: deviceInfo.deviceWidth, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)' }, modalContainer: { marginHorizontal: 60, borderBottomLeftRadius: 10, borderBottomRightRadius: 10, }})export default CodePush(codePushOptions)(ProgressBar)
/** * Created by guangqiang on 2018/3/29. */import React, {Component}from 'react'import {View, StyleSheet, Animated, Easing}from 'react-native'import PropTypes from 'prop-types'export default class CusProgressBar extends Component { static propTypes = { ...View.propTypes, // 当前进度 progress: PropTypes.number, // second progress进度 buffer: PropTypes.number, // 进度条颜色 progressColor: PropTypes.string, // buffer进度条颜色 bufferColor: PropTypes.string, // 进度动画时长 progressAniDuration: PropTypes.number, // buffer动画时长 bufferAniDuration: PropTypes.number } static defaultProps = { // 进度条颜色 progressColor: 'white', // buffer进度条颜色 bufferColor: 'rgba(255,0,0,0.7)', // 进度条动画时长 progressAniDuration: 100, // buffer进度条动画时长 bufferAniDuration: 100 } constructor(props) { super(props) this._progressAni = new Animated.Value(0) this._bufferAni = new Animated.Value(0) } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { this._progress = nextProps.progress this._buffer = nextProps.buffer } componentWillMount() { this._progress = this.props.progress this._buffer = this.props.buffer } render() { return () } _onLayout({nativeEvent: {layout:{width, height}}}) { // 防止多次调用,当第一次获取后,后面就不再去获取了 if (width > 0 && this.totalWidth !== width) { // 获取progress控件引用 let progress = this._getProgress() // 获取buffer控件引用 let buffer = this._getBuffer() // 获取父布局宽度 this.totalWidth = width //给progress控件设置高度 progress.setNativeProps({ style: { height: height } }) // 给buffer控件设置高度 buffer.setNativeProps({ style: { height: height } }) // 开始执行进度条动画 this._startAniProgress(this.progress) // 开始执行buffer动画 this._startAniBuffer(this.buffer) } } _startAniProgress(progress) { if (this._progress >= 0 && this.totalWidth !== 0) { Animated.timing(this._progressAni, { toValue: progress * this.totalWidth, duration: this.props.progressAniDuration, easing: Easing.linear }).start() } } _startAniBuffer(buffer) { if (this._buffer >= 0 && this.totalWidth !== 0) { Animated.timing(this._bufferAni, { toValue: buffer * this.totalWidth, duration: this.props.bufferAniDuration, }).start() } } _getProgress() { if (typeof this.refs.progress.refs.node !== 'undefined') { return this.refs.progress.refs.node } return this.refs.progress._component } _getBuffer() { if (typeof this.refs.buffer.refs.node !== 'undefined') { return this.refs.buffer.refs.node; } return this.refs.buffer._component; }}Object.defineProperty(CusProgressBar.prototype, 'progress', { set(value){ if (value >= 0 && this._progress !== value) { this._progress = value; this._startAniProgress(value); } }, get() { return this._progress; }, enumerable: true,})Object.defineProperty(CusProgressBar.prototype, 'buffer', { set(value){ if (value >= 0 && this._buffer !== value) { this._buffer = value; this._startAniBuffer(value); } }, get() { return this._buffer; }, enumerable: true,})const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { height: 4, backgroundColor: 'blue' }})
这我们在UpdateComp 组件中,在 componentWillMount
- codePushStatusDidChange: codepush状态的变化的钩子函数
- codePushDownloadDidProgress: codepush下载更新包的进度钩子函数
本篇教程主要是讲解codepush中如何处理安装包的下载进度,以及如何自定义更新弹框和下载进度条,上面的弹框功能和下载进度条功能基本都已处理完毕,可以直接复制两个组件代码到自己项目中,稍作修改即可使用。如果还有小伙伴对codepush详细的接入流程不熟悉的,请点击查看作者的 一文,如果还有其他的问题,也可以简书留言或者进群提问
- 作者React Native开源项目OneM地址(按照企业开发标准搭建框架完成开发的)::欢迎小伙伴们 star
- 作者简书主页:包含60多篇RN开发相关的技术文章 欢迎小伙伴们:多多关注,多多点赞
- 作者React Native QQ技术交流群:620792950 欢迎小伙伴进群交流学习
- 友情提示:在开发中有遇到RN相关的技术问题,欢迎小伙伴加入交流群(620792950),在群里提问、互相交流学习。交流群也定期更新最新的RN学习资料给大家,谢谢大家支持!